Modelling the costing of projects to achieve optimum outcome



  • Set-up costs
  • Material costs
  • Labour costs
  • Transportation costs
  • Manufacturing costs
  • Overhead costs / facilities costs
  • Storage costs
  • Packaging costs
  • Energy costs
  • Inflation impacting on costs
  • Contingencies / allowance for unexpected events

Market and Sales:

  • Sales and marketing costs / market research
  • Production capacity
  • Market trends
  • Break even output
  • Product retail price / affordability
  • Market demand / expected production output

Financial Planning and Analysis:

  • Profit forecasts and requirements

External Factors

  • Government policies

Strategic Planning

  • Long term aims and objectives

Development and Human Resources

  • Training and development costs
  • Quality

Planning for production:

Allocation of:

  • Employees
  • Materials
  • Scale of production

What needs to be considered:

  • Material costs (quality of product)
  • Labour/Wages (automation vs high skilled)
  • Premises
  • Equipment available for scale or production

Selection of tools, machines and manufacturing processes:

  • Successful manufacture is influenced by many factors such as the material, costs, product function and scale of production
  • Designers need to have a good knowledge of the materials and how they are processed, so the final manufacturing decision can be made correctly
  • The main aim is to select a manufacturing method that is suitable for the material and product, as well as economic in terms of materials and scale of manufacture
  • Selecting the correct tooling involves knowledge of manufacturing processes and the materials used for the product

Topic test: